WAKE THE F**K UP AMERICA: They’re on the same team, The Purple Team

6 min readJul 25, 2020

Stop Drinking The Purple Kool Aid

At the time it is served, there is no difficulty in distinguishing between the two different types of berry kool aid we are offered here in the US of A. It’s easy because Team Blue’s (Dems) berry kool aid is blue and Team Red’s (Reps) berry kool aid is red in color. Depending upon a range of things, from your parents beliefs to where you live geographically, you either choose to drink the Red kool aid or the Blue kool aid. With summer time upon us and one of the most emotionally charged Presidential elections in our history only months away, it seems more and more of our country is suffering from CCS (chronic cottonmouth syndrome*).

But, have NO fear; because thanks to our current [human molding factory aka] the System we have in place in America, there is an endless supply of kool aid to help quench your thirst. Despite the fact that after the age of 18 we are able to decide between the Red berry or the Blue berry to drink, more often than not we choose the same flavor we saw our parents drink growing up. Shit, why not, they started giving you sips of their kool aid at a young age so you’ve already acquired the taste. If for some reason you don’t drink the same flavor as your parents, you’re probably drinking the same flavor as those you live and hang around; those you interact with in your local community.

Apparently there is an unspoken rule [set & enforced by ourselves] when it comes to the kool aid we drink. See it doesn’t matter which flavor/color of kool aid you choose to drink; what matters is that once you pick which color berry, you DON’T ever betray your Team by switching to the other Team’s berry kool aid.

Team Purple

Here’s the thing though, not only are both the Red and Blue Teams’ kool aid produced in the same factory, they both start off as purple in color. This is because the Purple Team is the one that owns/is in control of both the Red and Blue Teams. In business terms, the Purple Team is the [SILENT] parent company. Essentially, this means that both the Red and Blue Teams are really just one team, the Purple Team. The Purple Team has amazing sponsors which include, but not limited to: Big Pharma, Big Food, Tech Giant, Big Corp, Big Media, Big Religion, etc. And it’s in the interest of the Purple Team to keep us as a Country divided.

See, all the kool aid people are currently drinking [by the gallons] starts off purple in color. At the factory, it goes through a process in which a coloring agent is added and a change in color occurs. Other than the color, there is no difference in the product; both are VERY addicting and neither are of benefit to your health. But just like any other shitty [obesity, diabetes causing food] product we consume, Big Food & Big Pharma will see to it that the Government doesn’t make our health (& IMMUNE SYSTEMS) a high priority topic on the agenda. I digress…

After the Red and Blue kool aid is bottled, it is sent out to all the distributors and is ready for consumption. Thanks to technology there are a plethora of places to get your hands on the kool aid. But as I mentioned earlier, people stick with what they know so the likelihood of someone taste-testing the other Team’s color is not high.

This lack of WILLING TO SEE THINGS DIFFERENTLY is something the Purple Team is aware of; after all it’s their System, The System, that does the molding of our kids in large part for this exact purpose. As a kid and still today, The System was/is VERY efficient at teaching us just enough unimportant shit that does not prepare us for the next stage of our life. Then at 18 we are faced with a decision of [what we are taught to believe] a LIFETIME. The irony in this is that our [education] System doesn’t teach us/our kids to think. And then, when we look at the options we have at that time in our life, each one of these options benefits members and/or organizations that are a part of Team Purple.

Option 1

College: “Hey Timmy, I know you’re 17 and have NO clue as to what you want to do for the rest of your life, but if you want to be “successful”, you’re going to need to go this route. While going this route doesn’t guarantee success, it does have a guarantee. Your guarantee is that you will be giving all the debt you need to ensure you start out your adult life owing tens of thousands of dollars (or hundreds of thousands) to Team Purple. Oh, and don’t worry that you may become a part of a large percentage of kids who never finish college (or never use their degree), you will still get to keep your debt. And if you are ever in a bind, no need to worry, the debt is unforgivable so it won’t abandon you; it’s the financial herpes and it stays with you for life.”

Option 2

Military: This was my route and while I love that I did it and it’s served its purpose for me, it’s still a part of the Team Purple System.

Option 3

Blue Collar Worker: “If college and/or the military aren’t for you, you’re in luck. We need people that know how to take commands, can operate like a machine and don’t ask questions. It’s easy work and it pays ‘well’ especially considering you don’t have a college degree. Don’t worry there is room for growth with our company.”

These are the three options the majority of kids take after high school and each of them benefit some part of Team Purple.

Our society is made up of people; these people (us) are products of The System. Our society’s beliefs are based on what we have learned to believe growing up in this System. When you combine zero to no sexual education and a society that is VERY reactive by nature, it drastically increases our chances of becoming a member of the well-known Team Purple Rat Race Program. All you have to do to become a member is be a human and fuck; well, not just fuck, you need to actually have a kid to join. Those in the population who decide (reactively/unplanned) to become a part of this program have an immediate shift in their priorities. Once you’re in the program, the motto is, “I don’t care about any of that political shit, I’m trying to figure out how to cover my bills and find a babysitter when I change to the night shift at work” or “…how am I going to feed my kids that won’t have access to free breakfast and lunch at school if the schools don’t open up”.

To sum in up, WAKE THE FUCK UP AMERICA! THEY ARE ALL ON THE SAME TEAM and it’s their job to keep us divided. If we continue to fight amongst one another on topics and not look into them past the colors of RED and BLUE, we will continue to ignore what the root cause of it all is….. MONEY, GREED, POWER, CONTROL, STATUS QUO.

Let’s stop drinking the fucking kool aid. Let’s start having CONVERSATIONS about what we AGREE on and go from there.


*I don’t know if CCS (chronic cottonmouth syndrome) is an actual ailment? I made it up as I was writing. :)




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